Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
table topic #20

here's an arty table topic this week:
20. If you could design a postage stamp what would you create?
hmm...totally random, but for some reason my initial thinking is a peach. a juicy summery peach. in a retro sort of style. maybe with a funky art deco style font. or like old general store signs. even though i have a lot of heart for the pineapple, i'm going to go peach.
Van Ramblings #58
opp, take 4

this OPP because it reminded me of the french painter jean françois millet - rural life, peasants at work.
normally, she didn't mind farming. but this micromanagement and constant poking was just too much.
another bizarro swap

first it was VHS tapes, now it looks like there's a swap in my lobby for a faux rose topiary. any takers?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

speak & spell, from texas instruments?
hours of scholarly entertainment for my sister & i growing up. you can play around with an online simulator version here.
again, what year is this?

and not, by any means, a chic one. a side pony sprouting out the side of her head.
last time i checked it was still 2008, right?
oh, speidi
overheard (public transport edition)

overheard the bus this past sunday:
"dude, i just woke up this second. i'll be there in 10 minutes."
just woke up? it was 3pm.
Monday, October 20, 2008
not yet. please. i beg you.
my new obsession
when bad things happen to good veggies

admirable, but coco loco (dessert edition)
Friday, October 17, 2008
who approved this?
oh, facebook ads

i know everyone is lamenting the loss of the "old facebook". but, i have to say that the ads have significantly improved with the new version. i haven't had any mocking of my age or presumed weight in a while. that said, today's colon cleanse wasn't all that flattering.
fashion forward?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
table topic #19

an adapted table topic from the pregnancy edition, this week:
19. What was your favorite board game growing up?
i love board games. unfortunately, my parents did not. so, family game night was few & far between. and they inevitably ended in tears.
years later, my mom would find an old version of pictionary in our back hallway. in the box would be a list i had written entitled, "games i will never play with my family again". #1 on the list - pictionary.
but, i digress. growing up i really loved candyland. the gumdrop mountains, queen frostine. it was similar in approach to chutes & ladders, but that felt so methodical. candyland, however, was pure, sugary fun.
interesting questions
clutter by the numbers

well, after a very enjoyable staycation, i am happy to report that i am making inroads on the clutter. by the numbers:
- 6 bags of stuff donated to goodwill
- 5 bags of garbage
- 1 bag of shredded paper
- 2 organized closets (including 1 monica geller-style hall closet)
- net, approximately 60% clutter free!
on the corner

in the movie version of my life, my grandfather ("pop-pop o'hara") would be played by jerry orbach.
so, it always puts a smile on my face when i pass "jerry orbach way" on the corner of 53rd & 8th.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
more crafternoons!
here's a project i stole from the now defunct Blueprint magazine (RIP).




quote of the day (UK edition)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
good questions
before & after
i am very, very excited at my most recent crafternoon.
decided to reupholster a bench for my breakfast nook. it was a piano bench that belonged to my great grandmother that i've always loved, but which had unfortunately deteriorated over the years:

but a bit of jazzy fabric (spring green zebra), hot glue & furniture polish and voila!

fun at the flea
i love a flea market. went to the one at giant's stadium this past weekend. unfortunately, there was a lot more new crap vs. old crap, which i prefer. but, picked up a few pitchers for my collection. here are a few snaps of other fun stuff at the flea:
box of wigs for 50 cents

meat...on a stick

t-shirts for Bob, Mike & Poppy

and, of course, liza with a z!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
table topic #18

this week, we have a medical edition of table topics:
18. If you were a doctor which specialty would you choose?
easy. i'd go eye doctor. my optometrists have been some of the nicest people i've ever met. and my opthamologists the funniest. i'd be up for carrying on either of those traditions. plus, my eyes are so bad that i could really be sympathetic to my patients and get a pretty good discount on my own glasses to boot. i might even have a bit of fun prescribing someone an eyepatch.
quote of the day (jersey edition)

overheard, waiting for the bus:
sounds like quite the wild on!
remind me again

...why the new york/new jersey metro area needs two new baseball stadiums and a new football stadium?
Friday, October 3, 2008
danke, yahoo

first blogger thought i was german. now, apparently yahoo does too. that said, the next time i'm in germany or switzerland i'll be sure to shop at C&A. i also kinda like the "hier klicken" call to action.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
live taped

watch out, kids, i feel a van-style ramblings coming on...
i think we've officially established that i'm old. i go to a lot of concerts and what has really had me feeling my age is how crotchety i've become over some things.
case in point, one of my pet peeves is everyone on their cellphone/bberry through the entire concert, which i found incredibly annoying when i went to see ben folds tonight.
hi there. you are not paying attention. you are blocking my view and ruining the atmosphere with your ambient light. and it's not even going to be a high quality photo or video!
reminded me of one of my favorite passages from a british book called, "Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?", which as you can imagine is a "modern encyclopedia" of everything that is shit. this is quoted from Volume 2:
Filming gigs on phones [is shit]
You are at the gig. You don't need to film it. You can DOWNLOAD CLIPS LIVE RIGHT NOW - with your eyes and your ears. It is literally right in front of you. They really should put up some signs. NO PHONE-CAMERA TOSSERS! NO! NO! NO! AND ALWAYS NO!
thanks, but no thanks

dear babies r us,
when i opted out of your mailing list it wasn't because i don't like a good deal. it's because i don't have a baby. nor would i give anybody a gift of "softgels".
bizarro gnome
who knew?

that there is some sort of VHS swap going on in my lobby. while i fully admit to still loving my 13" TV+VHS combo, i was not tempted by the crap titles on offer.
candle in the wind

as elton john would sing, "Goodbye, [insert name here]."
it is with fondness that TFAAF says goodbye to Dora the cat. so named not for Dora the Explorer, but for the Spanish translation of "power washer" - a.k.a. Super (Hidro) Lavadora.
she was the queen of queen street. sometimes finicky. often aloof. but she was rescued & loved & had a good life.
we hope she's in kitty heaven hanging out with midnight rainbow girl, ron & nancy, jim, oreo, boise and all of the family cats over the years.
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