is ben & jerry's half baked fro-yo.
whatevs from two pisces and a sagittarius...an unlikely union
I am not one to judge, ok that is total bullshit I judge everything, but Asian bus etiquette leaves something to be desired.
Pandora and I recently boarded a bus in
Sounds like a plan. Wrong.
Picture it...Van Ramblings and Pandora, back of the bus, a/c, no windows, it's hot. First 3 hrs are uneventful. Then the bus pulls into a market for us to buy lunch for the remainder of the trip.
Worst move ever.
We buy pineapple and pop and hop back on the bus. Locals buy Durian (smelliest fruit in the world, outlawed in Thailand because of its odor), boiled eggs, fried crickets, fish eggs, brains/offal looking thing and a host of other things I couldn't even identify but the smell was unbelievable.
As if that wasn't enough my 'experience' included one local man's bare/dirty foot resting on my arm rest. If my eyes weren't watering so much from the smell I might have cared.
Oh well. We couldn't stop laughing but definitely managed to get more than we bargained for!